Day: May 28, 2021

Various Kinds of LocksVarious Kinds of Locks

When it comes to locks, there are many different kinds and styles, depending on how they will be used and where they will be used. For instance, there are different locks for external doors versus interior doors, and there are different kinds of locks for mailboxes, drawers, cabinets, and commercial doors. There are different kinds of locks for apartment doors. Locks are important for commercial, auto and residential properties. Here, we are going to explain some of the different locks available, from cam locks to mortise locks. We have mobile locksmiths proficient in lock services such as lock replacement, lock repair, lock installation and more! It is important to know of the different options available.
For more information: locksmith company service in Hephzibah

Cam locks can be used on mailboxes, cabinets, and drawers, whereas knob locks might be used on interior doors. A knob lock would not necessarily be safe or secure enough to be used on an exterior door, but it might be used on a door leading into a bathroom, for instance. Mortise locks can be used for commercial doors or even glass entry doors, whereas deadbolts will be used for external doors.
Now that we have provided basic information on different locks, we will provide a bit more detail…

Knob locks. A knob look will not typically be relied upon as a primary source of security. These are often used on interior doors because they provide at least some degree of privacy and security. They can be used on bathroom doors and bedroom doors, for example. With the cylinder of the lock being located in the knob, it is unfortunately somewhat easy to break off. They should be used with other locks to provide security.

Padlocks. A padlock is a lock that can be used for different doors and it can be removed from the door. A padlock does not only have to be used for doors. A combination padlock, for example, could be used on a locker. Different sizes are available. Padlocks are portable so they are convenient. Combination padlocks, as previously mentioned, are padlocks which are opened by using a dial. Keyed padlocks, on the contrary, are unlocked by using a key.

Mortise locks. A mortise lock is a lock that is typically used for an external door. There are both heavy duty and light models available to customers. A mortise lock is made up of an internal system. This system can make the lock more like a lockset. The body tends to be cylindrical. Mortise components are added in the door. The parts come in different lengths and heights so they can be suited for different kinds of doors.

Deadbolts. There are different types of deadbolts available. A deadbolt lock provides additional security and comes in three categories – these include single cylinder deadbolts, double cylinder deadbolts. A single cylinder deadbolt will have a lock on both the outside and inside. On the inside, there will be a lever or knob whereas on the outside there is typically a lock cylinder. On the other hand, a double cylinder deadbolt will have an outside and inside keyed cylinder. This type of deadbolt can provide additional security but it does have to be unlocked even from the inside by using a key. What is the third type of deadbolt? We are referring to a lockable thumb turn deadbolt. This type of deadbolt is going to work as a single and double cylinder deadbolt, with the further advantage of it offering higher security. The thumb turn on the inside is going to function like a single cylinder deadbolt but can also be locked with a key. When it is locked from the inside, the thumb turn is locked, too, and will not be able to be opened from the inside without a key. It should be noted that deadbolts cannot always be rekeyed.

Lever handle locks. These locks are typically utilized for commercial buildings. With a lever handle lock, the handle simply needs to be pressed down to open the door. This type of lock will function like regular locks do, and it can be unlocked with a key.

These are some of the numerous kinds of locks that can be used in commercial and residential buildings for protection and security (website). Baldwin, Mul-T-Lock, Schlage, Yale, Kaba, Medeco and Falcon are some of the major brands that create different kinds of locks. From deadbolt and knob locks to mortise locks and padlocks, there are plenty of options which can be suitable for different uses. For instance, locking a front door is going to require a sturdier lock than will be needed to lock an interior bedroom door, in most cases. Talking with a locksmith can aid in narrowing down the different options. Whether looking into door locks or locks that might be used on furniture or other items, it is important to consider all the options. There are also wall mounted locks, cam locks and more!

As it relates to locks, there are a vast array of different kinds and styles, and the type of lock needed will depend on how it will be used and where it will be used. For example, there are different locks for external doors versus interior doors, as previously discussed, and there are different kinds of locks for cabinets, mailboxes, drawers, and commercial doors. There are even different types of locks for use on apartment doors. Locks are important for commercial, residential and auto properties – really, they are important for al properties. Here, we have explained some of the different locks available, from cam locks to mortise locks. For lock installation, lock replacement and lock repair, it is important to turn to a locksmith that is proficient in these services. Likewise, it is important to know of the different options available.

Thank you for taking the time to read about different types of locks!
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